Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Envelope

-May 12-

So we knew the envelope was going to have paperwork for us to fill out. Little did we know that it was going to have so much paperwork in it. Think of it as more Harry Potter then Cat in Hat amount of pages. It just doesn't seem to end!

The first pile of papers include everything that my poor niece has to take part in. When your adopting every person in the house has to be involved. So since she currently has bedroom here she gets to be a part of it! So the first pile starts with a form we had to fill out and mail back to have a background child abuse check done. Then there was the drivers abstract that we each had to get from Motor Vehicles.

As anyone in Jersey knows the thought of having to go to one of regional offices such as Wayne would make any person rethink adoption. Of course you could fill out an online form but for that you have to send away for a pin. So off I went after work on a Monday to the best DMV office in New Jersey the Newton location! I expected to be told I would have to head out of county and wait hour upon hour to get what I needed. I played it over and over in my head explaining to Vickie and Jeff how they would have to give up a day in their life to go to Wayne and deal with DMV. Then the miracle happen and the cop behind the counter asked the boss what window to send me to and with in 15 minutes I was done! I figured I spent $1 per minute to get the abstract! So I informed Jeff and texted Vickie that they could go to Newton to get it done. So with $15 person they both were able to stay locale and get it done! Just ask Vickie how great it was.

Next is finger prints! For this we had to go online and make appointments to go to get electronic finger prints done. The cost $56 per person! Of course we lucked out again and were able to schedule appointments in Sparta. I'll keep you posted if anything strange happens when we go. It takes a least a week to get the appointment.

The final form that Vickie gets to take part in is our medical release form. This is probably the easiest form for us. We really don't do anything other then sign the release part and drop it off at the doctors. Of course as a controlling person it makes me worry the most. How do I know the doctor will make sure it is filled out completely and sent out. I can't but I do know my doctor and his nurse and have trust in them. So I will drop off the forms and forget about them so that I don't worry.

More info coming on the rest of the piles.........

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