Friday, April 15, 2016

1st Meeting

April 15, 2016-

Today was our first meeting with our adoption advisor. During this meeting she started with a get to know you session. She asked us what brought us to adoption and how long we have been together. As our advisor it is important for her to get to know us personally. So we talked about things like how we met, what the past few years have been like with our fertility journey, and what finally brought us to her office.

The next thing was a review of the steps to the adoption process. Since this is a process that is unknown to most people I will cover it in an other blog with information on each section. Anyway she went over the information of what we can expect and then asked that question we were ready to answer!

Do you want to move forward with Bethany Christian Services?

Of course she told us we didn't have to answer her today and could take time to think about it. But I looked at Jeff and asked what he thought and he said "We are ready to move forward"!

So we started the process and over the next month we have lots of homework to do. Much of it I will talk about in the future posts. There is a lot of things that have to happen before we are approved to adopt but as the steps go on I promise to keep you all informed. Yes at some point the posts will be less then others and many will also be posts on how we are feeling. Thank you all for your support now I'm off to sleep! Good Night!

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