Now to the things that I am comfortable talking about is this blog.
My new job!
I started at my locale elementary/middle school shortly after the school year began. I was originally placed in the 4th grade classroom, a room filled with amazing boys and girls. I loved working with them and quickly realized I had made the right decision. To top it off the teacher in the class and I clicked right away. The kids knew we were a team and everyone was settling in for the school year. But life doesn’t go as planned and after we had a two week virtual learning session(ugh Covid) I was pulled from the class.
Devastated was an understatement. I felt like I was abandoning them, leaving them in the hands of yet another paraprofessional to learn their personalities. This was a class that thrived off of routine and consistency and I knew this bump in the road would take time to calm.
At the same time I was excited to be placed as a one on one with a kindergarten girl who reminded me so much of my Uncle Bill. She is smart, determined, underestimated by many, and full of happiness. She needed me as much as my 4th graders, and for some reason her teacher knew she had to have me. So just before Thanksgiving I moved to kindergarten and started the journey with little miss.
I can’t take credit for all her progress because she has an amazing team of teachers and therapists who see what I see in her. Yet I smile when I see her running down the hall to her favorite people knowing when I started with her she didn’t want to walk ten feet. We love to show off her latest equipment, visit her besties in the office, and just be a kindergartener. Her progress has been amazing and I can’t wait to continue working with her. I’m telling you one day she will be an accountant and will travel the world.
Welcome Hudson!
Just before Christmas I finally won the puppy battle and we got Hudson!
How can you say no! We fell in love right away and agreed a Disney name was a must. Of course anyone who knows us could figure out that would happen. So we picked Hudson from the movie Cars. He settled in quickly and it feels like we have always had him.
Of course we had a visitor for a bit when our friends baby boy Moose came to stay. Having a 3 month old and a 1 year old together was fun. Moose helped train Hudson in ringing the bell to go out, sitting nice to get food, and how to cuddle. We loved having Moose visit and I know Hudson hopes to have a baby brother or sister soon. Qi’ra on the other hand is happy with just one!
So that’s been life Late September through the End of March. No adoption updates…lots of frustration, questioning if I’m a fool for wanting to be a mom, and doubt it will ever happen. But that and our spring adventures are for another day.